Joshua 1:9

“This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with your wherever you go.”

Each year, the executive management team pauses to reflect on the past year and discuss what lies ahead. During this time, the team selects a corporate verse of the year that helps keep things in perspective and helps encourage our team in the new year. Historically, we have read, discussed, and ultimately come to consensus on one passage of scripture. This year, we had multiple passages that were applicable and equally impactful to the team. While we only pick one to represent our corporate verse of the year, there are several closely tied together that are worth sharing as we start 2023.

Our corporate verse for 2023 is found in Joshua 1:9 which says“This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” In this passage, the Lord commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous. Moses had just died, and Joshua was stepping into the top leadership position over the Israelites. Joshua faced a significant task of leading the Israelites into the promised land. Many Israelites were fearful and questioned the risks and their ability to succeed. God knew that Joshua must be steadfast in his leadership to be successful. The verse goes on to say don’t even be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you! This is a great reminder that God’s favor on our life, business and family is far more powerful than our own strength and abilities. Joshua 17:7 says, “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.”  If our confidence is solely based on our own ability or the ability of others, we will certainly deal with times of fear and discouragement. But when our confidence is in the Lord, we find favor, strength, and peace even in the most challenging moments.

I am reminded about the difference between a leadership position and an actual leader. Anyone can obtain a leadership position, but leading people is altogether different. God knew that Joshua had the skill set to be a great leader but was also aware of the internal struggle he would face as he strengthened his resolve, faced fear, and dealt with the discouragements along the way. There is nothing more powerful than peace in the face of challenges. John 14:27 says, “I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”  I love the all-inclusive benefit package offered to those who believe and follow God. Many people rely solely on their own abilities and look for things from the world to help provide peace. This approach will always leave you lacking confidence and strength. We all have faced the reality that the challenges of this season may not be over. It is easy to focus more on the challenges than the blessings in our lives. As we start 2023, be intentional about focusing on the blessings. When challenges come your way, lead by example. Step into the peace of knowing that we have access to a God that can provide all the strength, encouragement, and resources we need.

Challenge: Be strong and courageous! Focus on the blessings. When the challenges come, step into the only source of real peace that will provide the strength and encouragement you need push through.